My Star Guide S12 - EP1
23 Mins
In the first episode of the new season of My Star Guide, Ian Fang will bring you to Yun Nan, where the Mysterious Lugu Lake is being used as a local sea transportation. Audience will also be able to understand the "zou hun/free love" traditions from the Mosuo people. Other than learning about the local culture, this episode will expose viewers to famous food around the city, such as "cross bridge rice noodles", milk curd, etc.新系列的《我的导游是明星》之"食"在不一样,第一个出游的地点是中国云南。导游明星方伟杰将带大家走近神秘的东方女儿国,乘坐猪槽船游览泸沽湖,湖上的草海和走婚桥,也别具特色,还有了解摩梭人独有的"走婚"习俗,及参与他们的篝火晚会与年夜饭。除了风土民情,大家也体验了白族的扎染工艺,还有著名的美食如过桥米线,水性杨花和乳扇,都让大家的味蕾有新体验。
My Star Guide S12 - EP2
23 Mins
In episode 2, we arrive in Li Jiang where Ian Fang will continue to bring us around. First stop: Jade Dragon Snow Mountain to admire the beautiful scenery before heading down to the Yu Hu Village and to experience a large-scale opera performance. Lastly, not forgetting to taste the local traditional snacks of Li Jiang and digging into a hot pot and salmon feast!来到丽江,导游明星方伟杰将带大家到海拔4千多米的玉龙雪山,看高山雪域的美景。再到山脚下的玉湖村,游览古朴的民居和著名的洛克故居,还有观看令人动容的大型实景舞台剧《印象丽江》。在丽江古城和四方街,大家也品尝了当地的风味小吃。而昆明则有丰富多彩的民族村和独特的官渡古镇,这趟旅程,令人大饱口福的还有菌火锅和三文鱼宴。
My Star Guide S12 - EP3
23 Mins
Joining us this week as a tour guide for the first time is Lee Teng! He will be bringing us around the south of Taiwan, introducing us to the fishing port at Pingtung, having a taste of fresh seafood and getting close and cosy with the deers! Not forgetting, completing the trip with delicious local food such as pig trotters and visiting the famous night markets!第一次当明星导游的李腾,将带大家到南台湾走透透。行程包括去屏东的东港渔港,品尝新鲜海产,再到鹿境,近距离接触可爱的梅花鹿,还有游览如诗如画的四草绿色隧道、龙磐公园,以及鹅銮鼻灯塔海天一色的美景。让大家大饱口福的美食则有创意料理、万峦猪脚、还有夜市小吃。
My Star Guide S12 - EP4
22 Mins
In this episode, we continue to follow Lee Teng around the south of Taiwan experiencing activities such as picking salt, pineapples and having fun with drums! At Jingliao old street, he also participates in a "dowry cart" wedding. He will also bring us around places such as Tainan farmhouse, watching a "water theatre" and tasting of local shrimp rolls and milkfish balls!本集将继续南台湾之旅,李腾会带大家去体验挑盐、采凤梨和击鼓的乐趣,在菁寮老街,也参与"嫁妆一牛车"热闹又好玩的迎亲活动,而独特的景点就包括田寮月世界和日式建筑群的桧意森活村,还有观赏精彩的"水剧场"表演,以及享用台南的农家菜,虾卷,虱目鱼丸和夜市小吃。
My Star Guide S12 - EP5
23 Mins
This week's star guide, Yi Fong will be touring around Korea's Jeju Island. Main attractions include the volcanic landscape, Taseum Safari and trying to experience what getting lost in a maze is really like. Not forgetting savouring authentic Korean food such as abalone seafood feast, Hallasan's fried rice and grilled fish.明星导游是权怡凤,第一站韩国济州岛,主要景点有火山岩景观和泰迪熊野生动物世界,然后再尝尝走迷宫的滋味,也到韩流音乐体验馆跟偶像做有趣的互动,还有游览牛岛的牛岛峰和白沙滩。大家也品尝了道地韩国美食如鲍鱼海鲜大餐,汉拏山炒饭和烤带鱼。
My Star Guide S12 - EP6