“The film An Example of Intonation should not be seen as edification for colleagues or spectators — in order to teach them how to watch, speak, think, how to show. By “an example” I mean experience, a trial, an attempt.
I do not hide my good feelings for my principal character — neither do I hide the feeling of foreboding that certainly may not coincide with the real status quo. If you have discerned a Man in the leader of the Russian Parliament, a character of “big politics“, that is enough for me”.
Alexander Sokurov (the author's intonation)
The second film by Sokurov featuring Boris Eltsin as the principal character. Now he is the President of Russia, invested with power, the man, bearing the full responsibility for the destinies of his distant compatriots as well as his closest kin and friends. Conducting a conversation with him among the members of his family, the filmmaker (second character of this film) manages to reveal his interlocutor's vulnerability and anguish — features that are “human, too human”.
Alexandra Tuchinskaya