Set in 2255, the Earth is on the verge of World War III. The Free Confederate States are locked in conflict with the Moruvians. In order to gain an advantage, The States send the spaceship Vega to Venus to sign a treaty with the inhabitants. Problem is, Venus is a vast penal colony where the Earth's prisoners are dumped and no one knows what then happens to them.
Expecting to be met by an official delegation all they encounter are two ragged men who soon disappear to go "whale" hunting. The next time they visit, the Venusian delegate is a nurse, available only because she happens to have the afternoon off. They appoint her Head of State, purely for the sake of formalities.
The climate is treacherously, boiling hot. The land is unstable, forcing the inhabitants to live in dank, sweltering ships, tossed at the mercy of the waves. The politicians, in their suits and ties, keel over and retreat to the mothership. Nothing goes according to plan.
This is old style, live TV drama at its best. Strong on characterisation and ideas. Blackly comic. Highly recommended.