Ye is a introverted and honest young man with part-time jobs for a living and share his life together with mother who is selling brown-bag lunch in train station. Ye has a secret deep in heart just like his peers, that is, falling love with somebody and having a secure job. But the mistake he had made in the past is like remnant glue and difficult to be removed, and the suppression is eroding his spiritual world inevitably.
2012高雄青春影展,剧情类金奖 / Golden Award of fiction category, Kaohsiung Youth Film Festival, 2012.
Huang Bo-Cang, is a video communication design graduate from Kun Shan University. After retired from Yuefei naval ship of Republic of China, he decided to dedicate life to his loved cinema.
In university, Huang had participated in various research programs and got appreciated in many cinema competitions. Remnant Glue is Huang's first film as a director.